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When a family member has suffered a fatal accident, the shock, grief, and anxiety can be overwhelming. Uncertainty about what to do in the immediate circumstances and how best to plan for the future is to be expected.
Legal Help
The emotional support of family, friends, and a religious or spiritual source can be invaluable when you have lost a loved one so unexpectedly. However, the legal repercussions of a fatal accident are best dealt with by legal professionals. You may be unsure as to how to proceed, and you may feel anger, guilt, or a sense that a grave injustice has occurred. An understanding and experienced attorney can help you through the process of dealing with the legal implications of a fatal accident.
Types of Potentially Fatal Accidents
Fatalities most commonly occur as a result of:
An attorney can help determine whether your loved one's death was due to the negligence of another party such as one or more individuals, a corporation, or another legal entity.
The Leading Cause of Mortality
Indeed, "unintentional injury" is the leading cause of death in the U.S. for individuals from age 1 through 45 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than 150,000 people die in various types of accidents each year across the country. The most common type of fatal accident is motor vehicle collisions.
When You've Lost a Loved One
In addition to the emotional turmoil of losing a loved one, the costs and losses that accompany a fatal accident can have a very serious impact on the lives of those left behind. The spouse, parents, children or other family members of someone who has died unexpectedly may be faced with:
If someone besides your loved one is entirely or partly responsible for his or her fatal accident, the losses listed above may be eligible for monetary compensation. Your attorney will explore the liability issues surrounding the death, and will explain your legal options to you.
Contact an experienced attorney today to discuss your loved one's fatal accident. Your attorney will address the legal concerns you have, and can help you get the answers you need.
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