Home > Minnesota Personal Injury > Mankato
The highly respected personal injury law firm of Goldenberg & Johnson PLLC represents the injured in Mankato and surrounding areas. Individuals and families who have suffered injuries or fatalities due to defective drugs, auto or truck accidents, dog bites, medical malpractice, workplace accidents, nursing home abuse, and many other circumstances can obtain top-tier legal representation at Goldenberg & Johnson.
Our injury attorneys are very experienced and knowledgeable in their respective areas, and thus provide the thorough, aggressive legal acumen that assures the best possible outcome of a client’s case. Our negotiation and litigation skills have been used to obtain many multi-million-dollar court awards and settlements for our clients.
Mankato-area residents can contact Goldenberg & Johnson for legal advice and representation when they contact the firm online to schedule a no-cost, no-commitment consultation. In light of the statutes of limitations for many injuries, it’s in an individual’s best interest to consult an experienced law firm such as Goldenberg & Johnson as soon as possible after the injury or fatality. Visit our website.
Goldenberg & Johnson PLLC
33 South Sixth St., Suite 4530
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Click for Toll Free Number
Dec 6th
A lawsuit was recently filed against Willmar School District in Minnesota, it's administrators, and a teacher.
The suit claims that the teacher violated the rights of a special education teacher.
Lawsuit Details
Links to more news
Minnesota Bar Association