Home > Wyoming Personal Injury > Jackson Hole
With a track record of success at the United States Supreme Court and in a variety of federal and state courts, Rich Barrett is dedicated to winning justice for the people he represents. He has over 25 years experience representing seriously injured people, and diligently invests his time, energy and passion toward the successful conclusion of your case. From start to finish your case is handled by Richard Barrett only and is not handed off to an assistant or legal associate and the outcome of your case will not depend upon the judgment of someone you do not know or have not met.
Richard Barrett is committed to helping ordinary people who have suffered or been the victim of extraordinary circumstances resulting in deep personal loss. His main areas of focus of personal injury law include explosions at oil refineries, wrongful death, negligence and product liability. Your initial consultation is free of charge and Richard Barrett’s services remain free of charge until a verdict is made to your benefit.
If your life or the life of a loved one has been shaken by serious injury or death, we can help you by:
· Protecting and defending your rights
· Fighting for the monetary compensation you deserve
· Guiding you safely through the legal process
· Understanding the impact on you and your family
All areas of personal injury are overwhelming and painful, Richard Barrett makes for certain you are treated with dignity, respect and sensitivity with every effort made to restore your quality of life. If you have been injured by the negligence of others and desire compassion, understanding and a commitment to helping all people, even those who may have limited resources, please call Richard Barrett today.
contact us now.
Jun 18th
A lawsuit has been filed in the aftermath of an accident that killed a couple in Jacksonhole, Wyoming.
The suit claims that the accident, which occurred in...
Wyoming Bar Association
City of Jackson Hole Official Site - General information for the city of Jackson Hole, including events, businesses and departments.
Your confidentiality matters. No information, including phone numbers and email addresses will be exchanged, shared or sold to a third party. Submissions do not constitute an Attorney/Client privilege. We look forward to hearing from you and will be in contact shortly.