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Emotional abuse is often a key aspect of domestic violence that occurs between intimates or family members. Emotional abuse is often the precursor or can accompany physical violence in a relationship. Many victims of emotional abuse assume that because they are not being physically harmed they are not being abused, but this is not necessarily true. Emotional abuse can be shrouded in secrecy and be kept hidden more easily than the bruises or cuts of physical abuse. But that does not mean that emotional abuse should not be taken seriously. Emotional abuse is often a precursor to physical abuse and even death. Two million women are injured by their partner each year and 2000 are killed
Emotional abuse can be a progressive type of mistreatment in a relationship. It may begin with certain deceptive acts on behalf of the abuser in an effort to gain more control over their partner. It may begin with comments that are intended to put down the victim. Emotional abuse can include: criticism, humiliation, ridicule, intimidation, threats, name calling, sexual pressure, temper tantrums, blame, and more. An emotional abuser may try to isolate their partner from friends, family, and co-workers. They may also try to limit their partner's access to resources like money and work, so as to gain greater control.
Emotional abuse itself can lead to long term problems like isolation, decreased self esteem, depression, emotional problems, illness, drug and alcohol use, and withdrawal. Most of these are natural coping mechanisms employed by those who are mistreated. Emotional abuse is not often resolved on its own accord. Abusers don't typically stop on their own. Fortunately, there are things that a victim of emotional abuse can do to stop the cycle of abuse and regain power and control in their own lives.
The first thing to do is recognize that emotional abuse is serious. Your safety and well being and that of your children may be at risk if emotional abuse is part of your intimate relationship. It is also crucial to realize that emotional abuse is not your fault and that you do not deserve to live with fear and abuse. It is also important to trust your instincts and your strengths. There are people and organizations dedicated to helping the victims of emotional abuse.
If you feel threatened or are being stalked you should get yourself safely out of the situation if possible and call 911. If you are considering leaving your abuser, an experienced attorney can help protect you and your legal interests, especially if children are involved. Women's help-lines are available around the clock, providing qualified professionals who can listen and offer advice to the victims of emotional abuse. Many battered women's shelters accept women who are emotionally abused, even if they have not been physically abused.
Emotional abuse can give its victim an undeserved sense of powerlessness, fear, and dependency. There are people and services available to help you regain your security and sense of self sovereignty. For legal help relating to emotional abuse, please contact us to speak with a qualified and experienced attorney in your area who can help protect and maximize your legal rights.
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