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Every year approximately 5,000 pedestrians are killed in motor vehicle collisions in the United States. Tens of thousands more are injured in such accidents. Pedestrian accidents account for two percent of those injured or killed in traffic accidents annually. Pedestrian accidents can also occur as a result of non-vehicular incidents. While statistics show a drop in pedestrian fatalities in recent years, pedestrian safety is still a problem.
If you or a loved one has been suffered injury or death in a pedestrian accident, it may be in your best interest to contact a qualified attorney who can help you determine an appropriate course of action. You may be eligible to receive compensation for your losses and suffering.
What Are the Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?
The causes of pedestrian accidents are wide ranging; however, some of the more common causes are listed below:
· Pedestrian walks/runs into the roadway and is struck by an oncoming vehicle.
· Motorist does not see the pedestrian in time to stop.
· Motorist runs a red light at an intersection.
· Pedestrian is struck while getting out of a parked vehicle.
· Pedestrian is struck by a car moving in reverse or turning a corner.
Other less common pedestrian accidents include pedestrians who are struck intentionally, by fallen cargo, or in a driverless vehicle incident (one involving an auto defect). Dangerous pavement and other environmental hazards can also cause pedestrian accidents. Overall, the most common cause of pedestrian accidents is human negligence (usually a driver’s negligence).
Some of the common factors involved in pedestrian accidents include:
· Area type – Pedestrian accidents occur more frequently in urban areas.
· Location type – Most pedestrian accidents occur at non-intersections.
· Speeding – Excessive speed is a contributing factor in approximately 30 percent of all pedestrian accidents.
· Alcohol Impairment – Alcohol is involved in nearly one-third of all pedestrian accidents.
Who Is At Fault?
Although circumstances vary from case to case, the liable party could be the motorist who strikes the pedestrian, the party responsible for maintaining the area where the accident happened, an auto manufacturer, or the pedestrian him/herself. If another party’s wrongdoing or negligence caused your pedestrian accident, you may be able to seek compensation for your losses and suffering. This is true even if you were partially at fault for the accident. Please see our section on partial liability.
What Should I Do Right After a Pedestrian Accident?
First and foremost, call the police to file a report. It is important not to leave the scene of the accident unless medically necessary. Gather as much information as possible including the names of all witnesses and parties involved. You may also wish to take photos of the scene and of any injuries sustained as further documentation. Before entering into negotiations with an at-fault driver or an insurance company, you should contact an attorney experienced in pedestrian accidents.
What Are My Legal Rights?
If you or someone you love has suffered injury or death as a result of a pedestrian accident, it is important to know your rights. You have the right to pursue a claim and recover damages if you have suffered injury due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. To preserve your legal rights, it is important to seek the early advice of a qualified attorney. Every pedestrian accident is subject to a statute of limitations, which places a limit on the time you have to file. Please contact us to speak with an experienced attorney who can answer questions and help you to understand your rights – FREE of charge.
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