A fatal car accident in Atlanta sparked an investigation as to whether the intersection needs further safety precautions. The auto accident, which occurred at Duerer St. and Bremen Ave., was among 24 fatal accidents that occurred at that intersection this year.
Joyce F. Gurian, 57, was killed Oct. 15 when her car was hit on the driver’s side by an SUV as she pulled out onto Duerer Street from a stop sign. According to reports, Gurian is the third person to be killed this month in an auto accident within a 6 mile stretch.
Officials Add Safety Features to Intersections
Due to the high volume of auto accidents in the area, officials have been doing research to implement new safety features at each dangerous intersection. According to traffic control technician, Troy Midgett, new safety features were added to the intersection where Gurian was killed just last year. The revisions included:
According to Midgett, there are three major intersections that have been the primary source of the city’s auto accidents, including the intersection where Gurian died. A project aimed at making the intersections safer went out to bid this month, said Midgett. He expects all three intersections to be examined.
All Car Wrecks Taken into Consideration
Midgett noted that whether individuals are killed, seriously injured or whether they walk away from the accident untouched, all accidents will be taken into consideration. For example, even though there have been few fatalities, there are an average of 80 auto accidents at one of the intersections each year. This intersection should be examined to see what safety features should be added, Midgett said.
(Source: Press of Atlantic City)
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