$2.7M Award in Chicago Hospital Death

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Dec 14th, 2005

$2.7M Award in Chicago Hospital Death

The jury in a Chicago-area medical malpractice and wrongful-death trial has awarded $2.7 million to the family of a man who had received a heart transplant and died from the quality of the heart that had been put into his body.

The man, Carl Longnecker, 58, a resident of Woodstock, IL, died in June of 2001 after his heart transplant operation at the Loyola University Medical Center located in Maywood, IL.

The just found the hospital negligent in Longnecker’s death because of its failure to closely examine the heart that was being used in the man’s transplant operation.  The doctor performing the operation noticed the defective heart, but only after he had removed Longnecker’s own heart.  At that point, the doctor had stated in testimony, he had no alternative but to put the diseased heart into Longnecker.

The diseased heart was only noticed during the man’s autopsy.

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