A man living in James City County, VA, recently filed a suit claiming that he was falsely arrested and imprisoned.
The arrest reportedly took place in 2006 and the man claims that the police officers who arrested him are at fault.
Suit Claims
W. Walker Ware IV filed the suit last week claiming that the officers entered his home without a search warrant and accused him of disorderly conduct in public.
Ware says that the officers “bound and bruised” him.
Officers Change Story
Ware claims that on the way to the jail the officers realized that they couldn’t charge him with anything since he was on private property so they began fabricating a story against him, which involved assaulting a police officer.
Although the criminal charges against Ware were dropped, the man states that he was the victim of assault, battery, false arrest, illegal imprisonment and malicious prosecution.
Plaintiff Seeks Compensation
Ware is seeking $3.5 million to cover his loss of liberty, physical and mental pain, legal expenses and emotional distress.
(Source: Daily Press)
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