Fleet Phospho-Soda Targeted in $10M Lawsuit

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May 17th, 2007

Fleet Phospho-Soda Targeted in $10M Lawsuit

A law firm in Virginia has filed a negligence lawsuit on behalf of a woman who suffered kidney failure and other serious side effects after using a popular bowel cleanser manufactured by C.B. Fleet Company.

Lora Joyce Goza was given Fleet Phospho-Soda to cleanse her bowels prior to a routine cancer screening colonoscopy, the complaint states. According to the suit, the product reacted with Goza’s blood pressure medication, causing irreparable damage to her kidneys.

Attorneys for Goza claim that the damages suffered by their client were avoidable because the company knew of the kidney risks associated with its product—particularly when combined with certain blood pressure drugs and diuretics—for more than a decade.

The lawsuit accuses C.B. Fleet Company of:

  • Failing to issue special warnings to physicians or radiologists likely to use the product despite knowing the dangers.
  • Failing to include warnings about the dangerous side effects on the product package or instructions.

“This is a clear case of negligence on the part of a large corporation that is more focused on protecting their best-selling product than protecting peoples’ lives,” said Jeffrey Breit, one of Goza’s attorneys. “Their negligence has brought immense pain and discomfort to Ms. Goza and will almost certainly shorten her life by several years.”

In 2005, the Food and Drug Administration notified healthcare professionals of the risk of “acute renal failure, a serious adverse event associated with the use of oral sodium phosphates for bowel cleansing.” Millions of patients are given the product every year before undergoing various medical examinations.

This lawsuit is expected to be the first of thousands filed over the product.

(Source: http://sev.prnewswire.com/health-care-hospitals/20070516/DCW02116052007-1.html)

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