Helmet Maker Sued for Spinal Cord Injuries

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Feb 28th, 2008

Helmet Maker Sued for Spinal Cord Injuries

A suit was recently filed by a football player who claims he suffered spinal cord injuries due to a defective helmet.

The suit has been filed by a student from Freeport Area High School in Pittsburgh.

Football Player Files Suit

Shane Bargerstock, who is a player on the junior varsity football team at Freeport Area High, filed the suit last week against nine companies.

The companies are reportedly associated with the manufacturing, selling and designing of the football helmet he wore when he was injured.

Injury Puts Student in Wheelchair

The suit states that in 2005, Bargerstock was involved in a tackle that fractured his vertebrae.

His injuries reportedly left him with semi-quadriplegia and he has been confined to a wheelchair ever since.

Lawsuit Hold Companies Responsible

Bargerstock’s parents, Chad and Susan, are also named as plaintiffs in the three-count lawsuit.

The family is blaming the makers of the helmet for the boy’s injuries and current condition and says that their equipment was “defective.”

(Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)

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