An atv recall was recently issued by the American Honda Motor Co., for ATV's that could potentially be harmful to consumers.
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the company is recalling 40,000 all-terrain vehicles.
ATV’s Potentially Harmful
The recall involves adult-size 2007 Honda TRX 500 ATV’s, which are also called Honda Foreman and Foreman Rubicon.
These models of ATV's are reportedly designed for riders who are at least 16-years-old.
They were sold for $6,500 to $7,600 between June 2006 and December 2007.
Reason for the Recall
Reports claim that a faulty throttle may pose a risk of injury or even death, to its riders.
Although the company claims that no injuries have been reported, they have received two complaints regarding the ATV’s.
The agency says they were concerned that water could enter the throttle-position in the sensor and possibly freeze, leading to a loss of speed control.
(Source: Bloomberg)
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