$115,000 Settlement Reached in Sexual Abuse Case

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Sep 4th, 2008

$115,000 Settlement Reached in Sexual Abuse Case

A settlement was recently reached in Carroll, Iowa in the suit filed against a teacher who supposedly sexually abused a student.

The settlement awarded $115,000 to the victim and landed the accused in jail for up to ten years.

Teacher Takes Advantage of Student

Robert Rogers was employed as a teacher at the Carroll Community School District for 37 years teaching eighth-grade literature.

A lawsuit was filed against him by a former student who claimed he was sexually abused by Rogers between 2006 and 2007.

Lawsuit Allegations

Shayne Wenzel claims he was only 14 years old when Rogers began performing oral sex on him and says the man took advantage of him.

Wenzel filed the lawsuit alleging he had suffered physical and physiological injuries, while his mother, LaRay Rickert claimed she experienced a loss of parental consortium.

Settlement Reached

Under the settlement, Wenzel and Rickert will receive $115,000 paid to them by the school district and the school’s insurance carrier, EMC Insurance Co.

The settlement will go towards past and future medical expenses and Wenzel’s loss of educational opportunity and consortium.

(Source: Carroll Paper)

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