A suit was recently filed against a domestic violence shelter where a woman was recently killed by her former husband.
Attorneys for the family of the woman killed claim that they have evidence proving the organization failed to safely secure the home and the residents living there.
Woman Murdered at Shelter in NC
The suit, which was filed by the family of the woman murdered, names the REACH shelter as being responsible for the victim’s wrongful death.
John “Woody” Woodring supposedly walked through an unlocked door at the shelter and shot and killed Bonnie Woodring.
Shelter Accused
According to Brett Dressler, the attorney for the family, the staff at REACH never gave the family a direct answer as to how Woodring was able to enter the facility.
Shelter officials and the police say that Woodring forced his way into the shelter after being let in by a staff member.
Suits Filed
The family has filed one suit that seeks damages from the shelter for Bonnie Woodring’s children.
Another lawsuit was also filed on behalf of Woodring’s son for the mental anguish and suffering he has endured as the result of the shooting.
(Source: Citizen Times)
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