Milwaukee Family Reaches $18M Settlement

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Jul 21st, 2008

Milwaukee Family Reaches $18M Settlement

A family from Milwaukee recently reached $18 million settlement in a case regarding their daughter who suffered brain damage at birth.

The girl was born at a federally funded clinic and her life will be forever altered due to her severe brain injuries.

Baby Suffers During Birth

When Jacqueline Lugo gave birth to her daughter the child reportedly got stuck in the birth canal for an estimated 20 minutes.

As a result, she sustained severe brain injury from a lack of oxygen and will need nursing assistance for the duration of her life.

Parents File Brain Injury Lawsuit

The Lugo’s filed a lawsuit against the government and the center where the child was born claiming they were negligent during the delivery.

According to reports, a physician at the clinic advised Lugo to receive a drug treatment that would induce labor.

However, the treatment caused the baby to get stuck and immediately began receiving follow-up treatment for seizure disorder, developmental delay and cerebral palsy.

“While we cannot reverse the emotional and physical damages, this award will assist the family in putting the pieces of their life back together,” explains Euel Kinsey, the attorney for the family.

(Source: Chicago Tribune)

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