Warren Family Files Suit for Missouri Railroad Accident

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May 30th, 2007

Warren Family Files Suit for Missouri Railroad Accident

The parents of a college student recently filed a suit for a railroad accident that severely injured their daughter in 2005.

The Warren family claims that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Co. is to blame for the incident that has permanently crippled their daughter.

The Claim

Laura Warren was a passenger at a grade crossing on December 22, 2005 in a Ford Explorer when a westbound train struck the car.

According to the claim, Samuel S. Williams, didn’t blow the train’s emergency horn properly or appropriately apply the emergency brakes.

The suit, which was filed May 25, also states that the railroad crossing didn’t have an adequate approach site distance, which also contributed to the tragic accident.

“Defendant BNSF failed to clear visibility obstructions to provide motorists with an adequate view of the track in both directions, in violation of applicable Missouri state law,” the complaints claims.

The Tragic Outcome

Laura Warren, who was enrolled at the University of Missouri-Rolla, suffered head injuries, brain infarctions, hemorrhage to her brain and multiple skull based fractures, amongst several other physical injuries.

Her parents were appointed co-guardians and co-conservators of her estate seeing as she is now incapacitated and disabled.

This two-count suit seeks an excess of $100, 000 in punitive and compensatory damages.

(Source: http://www.madisonrecord.com/news/195803-missouri-railroad-accident-suit-claims-whistle-not-properly-blown)

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