President George W. Bush recently signed a bill into law that bans lead paint and phthalates in toys.
The products affected by the law will be ones intended for children under the age of 12 and the new law is being viewed as the strictest one in the world.
Keeping Toxic Products Off the Market
According to reports, an estimated 448 product recalls were issued last year and of these, half of them were for children’s products.
The new law, known as The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, was created to ensure the safety of consumer products, particularly those made for children.
“This landmark law will strengthen our ability to prevent unsafe toys from being sold, remove from the shelves more quickly products that are found to be harmful, and increase fines and penalties for violating product safety laws,” explains Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker.
New Law Brings Hope
Senator Mark Pryor agrees with Pelosi stating that the new law will, “keep toxic toys and other dangerous products out of our homes.”
Under the new law, six phthalates, which are chemicals that make plastics more flexible, are banned.
The types of chemicals have been linked to reproductive problems and until now, have been discovered in dozens of baby and child products.
(Source: ENS Newswire)
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