Abuse Suit Prompts Nursing Home Closing

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Jan 30th, 2008

Abuse Suit Prompts Nursing Home Closing

An assisted living center in Fortworth, TX, has temporarily shut down due to allegations of nursing home abuse involving a manager at the facility.

The state attorney general ordered the closing of Oasis Village after residents claimed the manager kicked them, withheld food, threatened to hit them with a hammer and locked them outside overnight.

Residents at Risk

According to the suit, employees at the Oasis, “failed to treat residents with respect, consideration and recognition.”

All 16 residents of the Oasis have since been removed from the home and have been placed at other assisted living centers or are under the care of their relatives.

“Because of these violations by the defendants, residents have suffered emotional harm and are at risk for physical harm and continued emotional harm,” states the suit.

Allegations Against Manager and Home

The suit has named Bertha McCoy and Oasis as defendants in the suit.

One resident claims McCoy told him he smelled of urine and that his sister didn’t want him.
Other employees and residents at the home claim that McCoy threatened to hit patients with a hammer, talked to them in a degrading manner and would punish them by withholding meals.

“Based on information obtained by authorities, it appears that Oasis Village is anything but an oasis,” commented Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.

(Source: The Houston Chronicle)

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