OU Student Sues for Burn Injuries

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Jun 3rd, 2008

OU Student Sues for Burn Injuries

A former student of Ohio University recently filed a lawsuit against the school for the burn injuries he suffered while on camping trip.

The boy was an outdoor studies student and sustained severe injuries while on a wilderness survival trip.

Wilderness Trip Gone Wrong

Christopher Mance, who reportedly had a history of epileptic seizures, went on the wilderness trip during the Spring Quarter of 2006.

According to court papers, the trip requires students to survive for one weekend alone in the wilderness.

While on the trip, Mance supposedly had an epileptic seizure and fell face first into a fire that was built.

Boy Suffers from Burns

As a result of the accident, Mance suffered third and fourth degree burns to his face, arms, and hands.

The frontal lobe of his brain was also affected, says the suit.

Mance’s family filed the suit against the University on his behalf and is reportedly seeking compensation for future and past medical expenses, psychological injuries and lost wages.

(Source: The Post)

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