Ohio Man Files Suit for Dog Bite

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Mar 11th, 2008

Ohio Man Files Suit for Dog Bite

A man living in Findlay, Ohio, recently filed a lawsuit after allegedly being bitten by a police dog.

The suit was filed in Hancock County Common Pleas Court and both the city and Patrolman Byron Deeter were named as defendants.

Suit Details

Matthew T. Harpe filed the suit claiming that both Deeter and the city were negligent and reckless for failing to control the police dog that was involved in the incident.
According to reports, Harpe has a criminal record and was pulled over one night for making an illegal turn.

While Harpe was on his cell phone, the officers became upset and tried to force him out of his car and when he resisted, their police dog, Flip, bit his shoulder.

Harpe Proven Innocent but Injured

After the dog bite occurred, Harpe was immediately transported to the Blanchard Valley Hospital for his injuries.

After doing an interior search of Harpe’s vehicle, the police found that Harpe was innocent and didn’t have drugs in their car, as they suspected.

Plaintiff Seeks Compensation

The suit seeks a jury trial and Harpe hopes to receive compensation for damages and his injuries in excess of $25,000.

The dog responsible for the bite, Flip, was killed months later when it attempted to attack another resident.

(Source: The Courier)

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