A family living in Pittsburgh recently filed a suit on behalf of their loved one who was killed in an accident involving a PennDOT truck.
The family is reportedly seeking answers and compensation from the trucking accident.
Man Killed in Accident
Charles Aymar, Jr., was reportedly hit by a PennDot truck after it crossed the center line and hit his van, head-on.
The driver of the truck told police that he lost control of the vehicle during a snow squall and was unable to see the van, which was driven by Aymar.
Family Takes Action
Valerie Aymar, Charles’ wife is still too distressed about the accident to speak about it, but the rest of her family has taken action.
“She has nothing,” explains Cathy Hamilton, Aymar’s sister-in-law. “He’s gone-what does she have now? In a heartbeat her life was changed.”
After not hearing anything back from investigators regarding the accident, the family filed a suit against PennDOT.
“He’s out driving, nothing has happened to him,” says Hamilton of the driver of the plow truck. “Why are there no charges? He was completely on the other side of the road.”
(Source: KDKA)
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