Since there has been a sudden increase in the amount of products recalled in the United States, consumers are wondering how efficient the U.S. regulatory system is.
Consumers across the country have been negatively affected by the amount of products being recalled and now they are turning to the government for answers.
Increase in Product Recalls
According to reports, product recalls have risen 20 percent in the last nine months in comparison to the same time period last year.
Recalls have been issued for various products affecting everything from fireworks to children’s pajamas.
There are many mandatory safety standards and a good portion of these are voluntary, which means that companies aren’t required to comply with them in order to get their products on the market.
CPSC in Question
The system currently set up at the Consumer Product Safety Commission is being questioned and challenged as more products from overseas, where U.S. regulatory oversight is minimal, are being recalled.
In the past decade alone, the amount of products imported into the U.S. has reportedly doubled.
Concern regarding the safety of these imports stems from the fact that last year, 74 percent of recalled imports were imports and 61 percent of these imports were from China.
(Source: Wall Street Journal)
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