Lawsuit Filed by Woman Mauled by Dogs

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Jan 31st, 2008

Lawsuit Filed by Woman Mauled by Dogs

A lawsuit was recently filed in San Diego by a woman who says she suffered from severe injuries after being bitten by dogs.

The dogs had allegedly bitten two other people and were on the loose near the victim’s house.

Woman Attacked

Dr. Nancy Matthews, is a 47-year-old resident of San Diego who previously worked as a veterinarian.

Matthews says she was attacked by the dogs on front of her two children and fought violently to fend them off.

The dogs reportedly forced Matthews to the ground and were tearing at her scalp, arms, legs and chewing away at her muscles.

Injuries Endured

As a result of the attack, Matthews underwent several blood transfusions, lost tissue and has scarring on her arms and legs.

Matthews says she can no longer practice her profession due to a new fear of dogs and is psychologically paralyzed from the incident.

Suit Filed Against Animal Services Department

After the attack the dogs were euthanized and their owner, Pedro Torres, pled guilty to a felony, spent 90 days in jail and has been sentenced to four years of probation.

Matthews recently filed a suit against the Animal Services claiming that they failed to investigate the other attacks made by the dogs.

“I don’t want this to happen to anyone else,” says Matthews.

(Source: Sign on San Diego)

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