Slip and Fall Suit Filed Against KFC

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Dec 10th, 2007

Slip and Fall Suit Filed Against KFC

A slip and fall lawsuit was recently filed against a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in Chicago for a slip and fall accident that happened two years ago.

The plaintiff who filed the suit is blaming the restaurant for the injuries he endured when he was entering the restaurant.

Complaint Filed

Lee Ward filed the complaint against the food chain after he fell on the wet floor and allegedly injured himself.

Although the complaint doesn’t specify the nature of Ward’s injuries, it does state that “he was injured in his head, body and limbs, both internally and externally and he has suffered and will continue to suffer in the future.”

Fast Food Chain Accused

The plaintiff is accusing KFC of being negligent and careless for allowing the floor to be left wet and putting their customers at risk.

The complaint says that the restaurant floor “leading into the restaurant was in an unsafe condition.”

Ward is seeking more than $100,000 in medical damages along with additional damages for any future pain and suffering he may go through due to the fall.

(Source: Newsline)

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