A toxic tort suit was recently filed against the IBM Corporation by ninety-four people and seven law firms.
The suit claims that the company is responsible for the health complications that each of the plaintiffs have supposedly endured due to exposure to toxic substances from the company.
Plaintiffs Reveal Health Problems
Among the plaintiffs named in the lawsuit are former IBM Endicott plant employees and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods.
The lawsuit claims that these men and women have been harmed by the contamination of hundreds of properties throughout the Village of Endicott.
“This is contamination involving toxic contamination in the groundwater that then through vapor intrusion in the groundwater that then through vapor intrusion got into people’s homes. And it’s contamination we believe has been there back into the 1960’s,” explains Stephen Schwarz, one of the attorneys involved with the suit.
Toxic Tort Suit Filed
According to attorneys associated with the suit, a toxic tort lawsuit could not be filed until recently since the process of chemicals that were intruding homes, churches and businesses didn’t become evident until 2003.
“We’ve been in preparation process since that time and we’ve come to a point now where we feel it necessary to initiate a lawsuit particularly because of time constraints that may apply to some of these claims,” says Johnson.
Many expect that the suit will take years until a conclusion is made.
(Source: News 10)
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