A judge recently ruled that Omya’s chemically tainted marble waste in Vermont serves as a threat to human health and the environment.
The judge decided that remedial action is required since it has been shown that the chemical waste heightens the possibility of birth defects to pregnant mothers who are exposed.
Omya Inc. Didn’t Violate Laws
According to reports, Judge Jerome Niedermeier also ruled that Omya Inc. didn’t violate the federal open dumping law.
However, residents leaving near and around the plant are still concerned and filed a suit against the calcium carbonate company.
The suit says the company put their health at risk and many are concerned about the effects the chemical exposure could have on their unborn children.
Resident Concerned About Health
Three residents living near the plant claim that the open dumping did violate the law and presented concerns about the safety of the drinking water.
“At a minimum, I think we’re going to be pressing for much more extensive monitoring and testing and reporting than so far has been proposed by the state,” says Pat Patenteau, senior counsel to the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic at Vermont Law School.
Tests conducted at Omya plant have shown high levels of arsenic, manganese and iron, all chemicals that are proven to cause birth defects.
(Source: Rutland Herald)
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