Beef Recall Due to E. Coli Cases

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Aug 8th, 2008

Beef Recall Due to E. Coli Cases

A food company recently recalled beef products due to cases of E. coli that have been reported at a camp in Virginia.

The company is reportedly recalling 153, 630 pounds of beef that they believe could be tainted to ensure no one becomes ill.

Health Problems at Boy Scout Camp

According to reports, 27 confirmed cases were linked to beef being served at a Boy Scout camp in Blue Ridge Mountains.

As a result, S&S Foods, which is based out of Azusa, CA, recalled a large portion of their frozen beef products earlier this week.

Seventy scouts and staff have reported intestinal problems that are consistent with E. coli outbreaks.

Health officials from the Virginia Department of Health have linked the E. coli outbreak at the Goshen Reservation, which is a popular vacation spot for scouts.

One camper is said to be still in the hospital due to health problems in relation to the outbreak.

Beef Found to be Contaminated

The beef thought to be contaminated was packaged at the Azusa plant and sold to intuitional customers throughout the United States.

The federal food safety agency is currently investigating how the meat became contaminated.

(Source: Associated Press)

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