Earlier this week, a Virginia judge announced that $11 million would be given to the families whose loved ones were lost and injured in the Virginia Tech shootings.
The families filed a personal injury lawsuit against the state after the shooting rampage, which took place on April 16, 2007.
Innocent Victims Harmed at School
The morning of April 16, Seung-Hui Cho began shooting innocent people in Norris Hall, which is a building on campus consisting of engineering classrooms.
According to reports, police initially misinterpreted the shootings as a romantic dispute, and didn’t warn students throughout campus of the situation until too late.
After the shootings ceased, 32 students were found dead and 18 were seriously injured.
Families Take Action
Several families of the victims took action against the state and filed personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits.
The settlement reached includes provisions that will enable the families to meet with the governor and Virginia Tech officials to review legislation and encourage safety improvements on campus.
“The commonwealth has endeavored to meet the needs and concerns of the victims, including family members, through both monetary and non-monetary provisions,” says Chief Deputy Attorney General William C. Mims.
(Source: CNN)
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