Widow Settles Lawsuit Against Construction Company

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Feb 15th, 2007

Widow Settles Lawsuit Against Construction Company

The widow of a man who drowned over three years ago in a Florida river has settled a personal injury lawsuit against the construction company she alleges was partly responsible for her husband’s death.

Case Details

According to the negligence lawsuit, Robert Romaine was a passenger in a vehicle that fell off a boat ramp into the Homosassa River during a rainstorm in October 2003.

His wife, Josephine—also a passenger in the car—said that they had been on their way home from dinner with a friend and turned onto a road. Next thing they knew, water was coming into the car and they were sinking.

Josephine and the third passenger escaped the vehicle, but Robert didn’t.

Construction Company Liable

During that time, a local construction company was doing maintenance on the county’s wastewater system near the river boat ramp and were responsible for controlling traffic in that area.

However, the lawsuit claims that Lester’s Construction Co. “failed to post adequate signs to detour traffic” away from the dangerous area and should be held liable for Robert Romaine’s death.

The case was settled from more than $100,000, but Josephine and her lawyer declined to discuss further details.

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